Personal IHT Assessments: Understand your current IHT exposure and develop a personalised strategy to reduce it.
Tax-Efficient Gifting Strategies: Make tax-smart lifetime gifts to loved ones, reducing your estate’s value and your IHT liability.
Trust Planning and Asset Protection: Establish trusts to safeguard assets for future generations while legally reducing tax obligations.
Business Property Relief and Agricultural Relief: Optimise reliefs for qualifying business or agricultural assets, potentially reducing or eliminating IHT.
Pension and Life Insurance Planning: Include pensions and life insurance in your IHT strategy, ensuring assets are transferred tax-efficiently.
Wealth Preservation and Legacy Planning: Develop a long-term plan that aligns with your family’s financial goals and mitigates IHT costs.
At EasyAccounts and Tax, we offer comprehensive inheritance tax advice with a focus on maximising your estate’s value for future generations.
Our team’s in-depth knowledge of UK IHT laws, paired with the use of cloud-based software, enables efficient planning, transparent communication, and up-to-date tax insights.
Tailored strategies crafted to minimise tax liabilities, preserving wealth for future generations through meticulous planning and informed decision-making.
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